Tips For Creating A Good Opinion Essay About Euthanasia

There are many topics that are highly disputed. Euthanasia is one of them, as it is connected with one of the most controversial topics—the termination of life. In order to write a good opinion essay about euthanasia, students should have their own points of view concerning it and be ready to support them with arguments. The following list of tips will help you organize a paper and increase your chances of getting a good mark.

  1. Choose the topic.
  2. A good research topic should be very specific. Even if you want to write about euthanasia, you should narrow down your search to specific aspects. You may write about legal, religious, and moral issues. Another option is to analyze certain cases, or contrast the pros and cons of euthanasia. Decide what issues you would like to bring up. Then sketch a plan of your essay, so you’ll always know what to write about. If you’ve already created a title, start brainstorming.

  3. Research facts.
  4. The more specific the information you have is, the more interesting your essay will be. Use sources that are new and peer-reviewed. You should conduct some research and analyze information from different sources. Make sure you answer the following questions. Do you think that all people should have control of their bodies and life? Should they be free to decide when to die? If death relieves patients from suffering and terrible pain, can it be considered a positive option? Do people have the right to control someone else’s life? When taking into account the religious point of view, can euthanasia be considered murder? Assess different sides of your issue and decide what position you want to take.

  5. Provide evidence.
  6. Choose the strongest pieces of evidence, and start presenting them one by one. You may use different types of information, including statistics and various studies. All arguments should be truthful and supported by evidence.

  7. Write a conclusion.
  8. Don’t add any new information. Sum up everything you’ve written, restate your position, and write about the usage of your paper in further studies. Make sure that you’ve put down everything you wanted to say. Reread your paper and edit it.

These are the main rules for writing a good opinion essay about euthanasia. However, there are several quick tips that will guarantee you a good mark:

  • Ask for clarification.
  • Avoid emotional language.
  • Start writing with a plan.
  • Finish with logical conclusions.
  • Present the strongest evidence.
  • Cite all the sources you’ve used.
  • Be ready to defend your paper.
  • Don’t forget to format your essay according to the requirements.

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